Fashion trailblazer Hello Blogshop is back with trendy animal prints that will help you ROAR with style!
Ok… make that ‘MEOW with style’.

Conversational prints (also known as novelty prints) are so hot these days.
If you’re wondering what ‘conversational prints’ are…
According to fashion designer and The Hills star Lauren Conrad, conversational prints are classified as any print with a recognizable picture in it, such as cats, birds, stars or even pies! It can be anything.
Credits: LaurenConrad.com
Check out these pretty starlets in the flirty prints!
Credits: Fabsugar.com
And Hello Blogshop is all out to let you shop and flaunt the print trend with its latest collection!

The folks at Hello Bloghsop have not left me out. They sent me this gorgeous cat print skirt to celebrate the last days of summer style!

Alright, it’s time to release the inner kitty in me with this stylish cat number!

Alright, maybe not.

More photos of the skirt! Enjoy!

The viscose polyester fabric exuded much wanted laid-back glamor. I think anyone will fall head over heels with the flowy and light nature of the material.
The inner lining was hemmed perfectly with no loose threads and the elastic waist band also fit smoothly against my expanding waist.
Ten thumbs up for its smooth comfy fabric and superlative quality!
Conversational prints are not only reserved for picnics and beaches, it can also look effortlessly sophisticated and feminine for an evening dinner date. Pair the Catty Skater skirt with a corset top and swanky stilettos and you’ll be all set for a glamorous night out.
Overall, I love the fine quality of the dress and its ability to skim the curves and cinch the waist, so…
… 4.5 Honeyz crowns!
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Your road to a sparkling lifestyle begins here.
Your friend, Juliana
Disclaimer: I know I’m going to sound like a broken record but I would like to emphasize again that Honeyz fashion reviews are NOT advertorial posts. I do not endorse any of those brands featured. Rather, I’m trying to show you how normal girls (girls with non-supermodel statures) look like in clothing from these famous boutiques. This is to aid you in making informed purchase decisions when it comes to updating your fashion wardrobe. 🙂